Here is some picture updates:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Here is some picture updates:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
From the lovely Taylor Windam
First Hair Color and updo fun :]
Here are some fun updos on my Dolly.
I woke up at 12:13 today.. SOOO NICE. Haha I couldn't decide it I wanted to eat breakfast or lunch... Now im just getting ready for the game :] Go Cougs! Hopefully we win.. I hear were not that great.. I honestly think that our graduating class of 2010 is bad luck. First Centennial now BYU?? Oh well.
SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT! Can you say Dance Party Galore?!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Getting my hands dirttaayyy
Sooo.. I went on a really fun date last night! It was alotttt of fun. We went to an accustic concert, the bands were amazingg. My new favorite Artist is Nik Day, he is sooooo dang good. And super cute! After the concert we got ice cream :] and may I say that Tin Roof Sunday is so good!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Time to Catch Up
Saturday I went to the grocery store, I was surprised how much fun shopping for food on my own could be. I had a great time. Not to mention the 30 year old looking man trying to flirt? with me while trying to pick out vitamins to help your body when it gets old... yaa.. Haha but nothing tops the college student with his grocery list written all our his arms in a black sharpie marker. Dad you would be proud, bread was .88 so I bought 2 and froze one. I also bought a nice biggg thing of tortillas that I separated and froze for later :] You taught me well. Not only was it a successful trip but right after I was done putting away all my food I updated my checking account and saved it! Now that is an accomplishment. I am keeping up on all of my spending making sure I don't go over :] Thanks Mom and Dad for yelling at me for never doing it before. It has finally stuck.
Church was great, my Bishopric is amazing. I cannot wait for next Sunday. The Stake first Counselor gave the Sunday School lesson. He introduced the Stake theme for the semester. It is a very familiar scripture, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."-1 Timothy 4:12. Tonight for FHE the Stake wanted to do a get to know the Stake Presidency. They are all great too. I feel soo blessed to have such awesome Ward and Stake leaders. The lesson they gave was really weird though.. My whole stake is pretty much return missionaries so they emphasised dating.. The Stake President said something about 3 P's? Prepared, Paid for, and Paired off... Not use to hearing that one said over the pulpit. Haha Ohhhhh boyyyyyy..
Today was a little hectic... I was so tired this morning so I don't think I started off right. I dropped my little Baby off to get its oil changed for the first time by myself. The guy was really helpful so that was nice. I made it back in time to eat my lunch. We learned allllll about coloring hair. It was kinda intense, alot to take in. We did a super fun activity with cup cakes though. We made the 3 primary colors with food coloring and frosting, then we had to take from the 3 and make secondary colors like red-violet and yellow-green. It was fun mixing the colors to make it just right. I had to make blue-green
After we were done I ate a whole think of frosting... ughhhh so much for being healthy. And thenn if that wasn't enough, I ate 2 cupcakes. The stupid things were so good.
I figure you all saw my lovely white girl corn rows. Ya, I was stupid and left them in too long with loads of gel.. So I take out all the braids and brush it all out. Everything was fine, super easy to brush no prob. I go to wash it out in the sink, shampoo and condition, take it out and dry it off. As I sit there waiting for my friend I notice something is realllllllyyyyyyyy wrong.. My dolls head is one HUGE knot with the texture of dread locks. I have no idea what happened. I did what I always did when I washed. My teacher is freaking out and is like "I have never seen this happen before!!" and goes around to show the other teachers laughing.. Haha it was a superr funny sight but I had no idea how I was going to get it out!! It took about 2 hours and lotsssssss of conditioner.
I know it could have been much much worse so I am grateful.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My Pin Curls actually turned out!
These are my flippin sweet White Girl Corn Rows.
We call them White Girl Corn Rows
because they are just tiny little french braids, not the legit ones.
We practiced washing each others hair then worked on
our blow drying skills, blow drying with a round brush was alot
harder then I thought! But alott of funnnn.
After school we had a ward party! I was soo excited to meet my new ward. We went to some Resort in Midway, which was absolutely gorgeous. We went on a 5k walk around the town, and got to see President Monsons home there in Midway! Everyone in the ward is AWESOME. Most of them are RM's so they are all older, but I had the time of my life at the party. I met sooo many new people, I can't WAIT for church tomorrow!! After we got home from the party the Apartment room next to ours had its door open and I was able to introduce myself to them. They told me they go Salsa dancing every Friday and told me I should come! Haha they were really nice, but hard to understand because of their Spanish accents. All in all, yesterday was amazing. :]
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Practice Makes Perfect
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Day of School!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My new home
To my Parents: I would like to say thank you for everything, I know those 4 words could never do justice for everything you have done for me. Just know that this big step in life is hard, but it really made me realize how much you do for me. Luckily, I was very blessed. You 2 have taught me so much. Haha Dad, I will never let my gas tank go below 3 bars. And Mom, I will never leave my towel on the floor. Of course those are just minor things, but I’m still grateful for all you taught me. I hope you understand how much you mean to me. I will always be your little girl. There is so much I wish I could say but I can't even put it into words. Just know that I love you more than anything, and I can't wait to see you again soon.
To my Little Sister: I hope I have taught you everything you need to know. Stay away from those boys, You are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you your not. Thank you for all the fun sleepovers in my room, for wearing my clothes, and yelling at me for taking your eye lash curler. It will be missed. I will see you very soon. You better keep me updated on all of your sophomore adventures. Love you sissy, and don't you forget it!
Of course I miss all my family and wish they could be with me, but my friends up here have been then best support. They are my home away from home. No matter how homesick I’m feeling they are there to help pick me up. Haha, usually by doing crazy things like shaving Chandlers head. None the less, I can always count on them to take care of my sad days. I can't wait for all our adventures!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Middle

I am now down to 11 days.. It seems like the more I think about it, the longer it takes for Sept. 10th to get here. . BUT I JUST CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!! I have already started packing.. I will probably be done with another week to spare before I leave, oh well! I am actually very grateful for long days work. That way I don't waste away boring days at home dreaming of my new apartment and all my classes. All this wishing of moving up to Provo has helped me make a list of this that I cannot wait for.
1. Meeting my new roommates. The 5 people I have noo idea of who they are or what they are like but will be spending countless hours with.
2. Moving into and setting up everything for my room. Although the Beach is 10+ hours away I can't wait to wake up every morning and feel like im in paradise.
3. Seeing all my long lost friends!! It has been wayyy too long since I last saw them.. WAY too long.
4. Having sleepovers with those crazy BYU girls I call my best friends.
5. Starting classes for my cosmetology license :] I can't wait to learn all the new techniques.
6. Being able to practice on all my friends heads for tests :]
The list continues to build daily. Until then, I will be stuck at home and work. Which both are still great, don't get me wrong. I just can't wait for the next chapter in my life.